About CEID Hub

Our Vision

A leading global hub for climate engagement and innovation development, raising leaders and green enterprises to lead transformational change.

Revolutionizing Sustainability with Circular Economy

Climate Emerge Innovation Development (CEID) Hub is a youth-focused non-governmental organisation where emerging climate leaders, green enterprises, revolutionary solutions, technologies, and innovations solving climate change and development problems are nurtured.

We are dedicated to driving positive change in the face of the most pressing global challenges.Deploying the core principles of Circular Economy to reverse the adverse effect of climate change, is at the heart of our approach.

We aim to foster innovation in sustainable practices by harnessing the potential of the African youth. Thereby, creating opportunities and possibilities that will enable them to lead transformational change across sectors, geared toward net zero emission.

Leading the Way in Climate Innovation Development

Our objective is to provide capacity development for African youth and sustainability professionals, and technical and business support services including incubation, acceleration, and funding for green businesses.

We desire an African business ecosystem thriving with green unicorns. We are bold enough to say that.

Certifying Change Makers in Climate and Sustainability

CEID Hub offers classes and certifications to youth, professionals, businesses, and organisations in the fields of Development Practice, Climate Change, Circular Economy, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Technology & Environmental Management, Policy Development for Change, Environment, Social & Governance (ESG), Innovation & Enterprise, Biodiversity & Nature Conservation, Futurism, Design Thinking for Sustainable Development among others.