Lead Transformational Change

Nurturing innovation and leadership to address climate change and drive global sustainability.


Championing climate action by developing innovative solutions and practices to mitigate and adapt to climate change.


Empowering emerging leaders and green enterprises to create transformational change and drive sustainable development.


Fostering groundbreaking technologies and strategies that promote circular economy and environmental sustainability.


Providing capacity-building and support services to advance green businesses and sustainable practices for a thriving future.

Revolutionizing Sustainability with Circular Economy

Climate Emerge Innovation Development (CEID) Hub is a youth-focused non-governmental organisation where emerging climate leaders, green enterprises, revolutionary solutions, technologies, and innovations solving climate change and development problems are nurtured.

We are dedicated to driving positive change in the face of the most pressing global challenges. Deploying the core principles of Circular Economy to reverse the adverse effect of climate change, is at the heart of our approach.

We aim to foster innovation in sustainable practices by harnessing the potential of the African youth. Thereby, creating opportunities and possibilities that will enable them to lead transformational change across sectors, geared toward net zero emission.

Our Programme

Green Vocational Education Training (GreenVET) Programme

The Green Vocational Education Training (GreenVET) programme is a pioneering initiative under the Climate Engage Innovation Development (CEID) Hub, designed to empower African youth by providing relevant technical and vocational education in renewable energy, food systems, and intelligent waste management.

Climate Leadership Innovation Fellowship (CLIF)

The Climate Leadership Innovation Fellowship (CLIF) is an immersive, annual fellowship program designed for out-of-school leavers, young professionals, and green business innovators in Nigeria and across Africa. This cohort-based fellowship aims to equip participants with the skills, knowledge, and network necessary to drive impactful climate action and innovation.

What We Do

Climate Innovation School Africa (CISA)

Our climate innovation school offers comprehensive degree programmes, capacity building, training, certification, and resources to equip individuals and organisations with the knowledge, skills, innovative capacity,…

Green Enterprise Incubation Programme (GEIP)

At CEID Hub, the Green Enterprise Incubation Programme is dedicated to transforming the African business ecosystem by nurturing and scaling green businesses from the idea stage to prototype and market.

Our Partners